June 2016 -- Tay Netoff and Matt Johnson are now co-PI on a NSF REU Neural Systems Engineering program! This program will allow for 8 undergraduate students to do 10 weeks of research at the UMN.
June 2016 -- Jenny has received the American Legion Family Brain Sciences Award!
June 2016 -- Tay Netoff and his collaborators at UCSB has been issued a patent! USPTO Link
June 2016 -- Early Seizure Detection Using Neuronal Potential Similarity: A Generalized Low-Complexity and Robust Measure was selected as best paper in epilepsy by the Portuguese League Against Eplepsy group!LINK
May 2016 -- Tay Netoff and Matt Johnson was awarded an RO1 from the NIH to study methods of optimizing deep brain stimulation through spatial and temporal coding!
May 2016 -- Pantea has received the BME TA award! Who doesn't love a good TA?!
May 3, 2016 -- Abbey graduated with her PhD in Neuroscience and will be heading to Oxford for her Postdoc! Congratulations Abbey!
January 6, 2016 -- Jenny's paper title "Integrating Insults: Using Fault Tree analysis to guide Schizophtrenia Research across Levels of Analysis" has been accepted and published in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience!
June 3, 2015 -- Vivek's paper title "Future of seizure prediction and intervention: closing the loop." has been accepted and published in J. Clinical Neurophysiology!
August 7, 2014 -- Abbey's paper titled "Origins and suppression of oscillations in a computational model of Parkinson's disease" has been accepted and published to J. Comp Neuroscience!